📄️ CSS intro
You have covered the key points of Html. Now, you are going to cover CSS, what is all about and style web pages with it. Are you excited? Let's begin.
📄️ Ways to add CSS
CSS works by applying rules on elements, that is what web browsers look at when applying styling. If there is no specified styling then the browser would apply its own default styling on a page.
📄️ CSS selectors
Previously, to apply css to the web page, you selected the body and the h1 elements. That is how css works, for css to apply rules. It works on a selector.
📄️ Units intro
Units are used in CSS for measurements. For example, if you wanted to apply a margin to an element. You would use, margin: 2px. The px means pixel and it is a unit. There are various units like px and they are divided into two main categories, which are absolute and relative units.
📄️ Box model
The box model is a concept of how css styles html elements.
📄️ Colours intro
In this section, you will learn about colours in css.
📄️ Background images in CSS
In the Html section, you covered media elements img, audio and video. These are Html elements.
📄️ The background-size property
The background-size property sets the size of a background image. It could make the image reverse to its normal size or even stretch or squeeze it.
📄️ The background-position property
The background-position property sets the position of a background image.
📄️ The background-attachment property
The background-attachment property determines whether an image should remain fixed to the screen when you scroll or otherwise.
📄️ The background-repeat property
With this property, you can set how you want to repeat or not repeat background images.
📄️ Gradients in CSS
You have learned some of the properties of background images. Earlier on, you read that gradients were properties for background images.
📄️ Background property in CSS
The background property is a CSS shorthand property for the various background properties. Which are,
📄️ CSS display
With CSS, you could alter your Html in so many ways. You could set the elements to appear however you want using the CSS display property. This section will cover CSS display property and its core values.
📄️ CSS positioning
CSS has a position property which you can use to position items on a web page. You could make html elements float on a web page or stick to it as you keep scrolling. In this page, you will learn about the various values for positioning items in css.
📄️ CSS typography
Typography simply has to do with how to organise your fonts and text to give a great aesthetic appeal. Typography is applied in css and you will cover the properties of typography in this session.
📄️ Media queries
In this section, you will cover media queries.
📄️ Flexbox
In this section, you will cover flexbox which means Flexible Box Module and all its concepts.
📄️ CSS grid
This is the last part of the CSS session. Congrats on making it this far!
📄️ Building a form with html and css
In this section, you are going to practice some of what you learned in html and css.