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Ways to add CSS

CSS works by applying rules on elements, that is what web browsers look at when applying styling. If there is no specified styling then the browser would apply its own default styling on a page.

When you run a web page on a browser, the browser looks for the styling for that web page to render it accordingly. If the webpage has no styling but the user has specified styling, then the browser will apply it. But if there is none at all, the browser applies it's styling which is the default.

How CSS Rules are applied on a browser

PositionCSS Rules
1stInline styling
2ndInternal styling
3rdExternal styling
4thSettings set by the user for that browser
5thBrowser default settings

There are three ways to add CSS to a page and they are:

  • Inline CSS
  • Internal CSS
  • External CSS

Inline CSS

In Inline CSS, you add the css directly to the element. For example,


  <!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8" />
<title>A simple html page</title>
<body style="background-colour:red;">
<h1 style="colour:white;">Building A Web Page</h1>
<p>How To Design A Webpage</p>

Internal CSS

In this type, you add the style attribute in the head section. For example,


  <!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8" />
<title>A simple html page</title>
body {
background-colour: red;
h1 {
colour: white;
<h1>Building A Web Page</h1>
<p>How To Design A Webpage</p>

External CSS

In external CSS, the css is placed on a separate page while the link to that page is added to the head element.


  <!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8" />
<title>A simple html page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"/>
<h1>Building A Web Page</h1>
<p>How To Design A Webpage</p>

In the same folder where your index.html is, create a folder named css then create a file in the css folder and name it styles.css.


body {
background-colour: red;

h1 {
colour: white;

In external CSS, the link element is what you would use to link the CSS.

The rel attribute is a convention to signify what you are linking is a css file hence the name stylesheet.

The href attribute contains the path of the css file which in this case, is styles.css .

CSS follows the top to bottom rule so the inline CSS will always override other rules. For example, if I made the background page green using internal CSS and I made the same background page yellow using external CSS. CSS would apply inline CSS over the others. However, it's not the best practice to use inline CSS as it clutters up your html.

You are advised to practice separation of concerns which is to place all CSS in a separate file, the same thing with JavaScript.