📄️ Introduction To HTML
HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is a markup language for building static and dynamic websites. Although it is a markup language, many programming languages use it to build applications on the web. It is like a template for building programs on the web. So if you are learning how to build applications on the web and you have yet to learn html, then you have not started.
📄️ Html Tags
In the previous section, you covered the basics of web development and how to set up a web page. In this session, you will learn about html tags and their types.
📄️ Html Elements
Html elements are nodes of an Html document. They form the content on a web page. In this section, you will learn html elements and their types.
📄️ Html Attributes
Html tags and html elements are important topics in Html. But Html attributes are important too. They help you to write proper HTML and set it up properly. In this section, you will learn about Html attributes.
📄️ Comments, hr And Linebreaks
In this section, you will learn some html tips that you could use to improve your content.
📄️ Doctype And Head Elements
📄️ Headings And Paragraphs
The Headings and paragraphs elements are used to structure and present text on a web page.
📄️ Media Elements
Media elements are elements that html uses to display media content like images, videos and audios.
📄️ Audio Basics
The next part of the media is adding audios in your html. If you have ever downloaded an audio like a music or voice recording from the internet. Then, you have come across the audio element in html.
📄️ Video Basics
This is the last part on media elements. You can insert videos on a webpage using the video element. The audio and the video element are somewhat similar as they share similar attributes.
📄️ Semantic Elements
There are categories of the different html elements available.
📄️ Quoting Elements
Quoting elements are elements you could use to write quotes in Html. This includes short and long quotes.
📄️ Table Elements
The table element as the name implies is for tabular data. Tables have been useful in the development of web pages. Before the introduction of some css styling, developers used tables to style html. In this section, you will learn how to create tables in html.
📄️ Html Lists
Lists in Html are used to group items or organize contents. There are two popular types of lists which are: unordered, ordered, and description lists.
📄️ Html Links
Links are very common in a webpage. They can be in a text, an image, or any other html element.
📄️ Html Forms
Html forms are used to fill in user data and process the information.
📄️ Special Characters
Special characters in Html are characters with a special meaning which cannot be used directly in a HTML document without creating errors. These characters have specific reserved functions in Html, such as denoting tags, attributes and so on.
📄️ Other Elements
There are other elements that you would come across randomly as you use Html. Which are,
📄️ Html Exercise
Now you have come to the end of Html. Before you move on to CSS, you should try this exercise to revise all you have learned.