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Html Attributes

Html tags and html elements are important topics in Html. But Html attributes are important too. They help you to write proper HTML and set it up properly. In this section, you will learn about Html attributes.

What is an html attribute?

An Html attribute is an html code that you can add to the opening tag of an element. Attributes influence the behaviour of an element they are on. They also give more details about an element and help the element the way you desire. Image elements usually require an src attribute which contains the link for an image.

Key attributes

There are some key attributes that you will always come across in Html and they are,

  • The href attribute
  • The src attribute
  • The alt attribute
  • The lang attribute
  • The style attribute
  • The width attribute
  • The height attribute

The href attribute

You use the href attribute when you want to add links to your html. The links could be links for an external website or another file. Example:


<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"/>

In this example, you are linking a css file to your html.

The src attribute

The src attribute is an attribute that contains the link to an image. The link could be a path description of the image on your local device or a link to an external website.



<img src="image.png"/>

The src attribute is always in the image element.

The alt attribute

The alt attribute means alternative. It gives a text description of an image. alt attribute is required in accessibility because of people with sight problems or poor bandwidth.



<img src="image.png" alt="text description of an image"/>

Note: This is not a real image, I am only using it to illustrate attributes. You will learn about images fully as you read on.

The lang attribute

The lang attribute defines the language of the web page. If it is English then you use en, for French you would use fr. The value you add to your lang attribute depends on the language you are using in that document. lang attribute is in the html element.



<html lang="en"></lang>

The style attribute

You use this attribute to add CSS to an element. The style attribute is only used when you are writing a simple html document or when you wish to add a particular CSS property to an element.



<h1 style="color: red;">This will appear in red.</h1>

A screenshot of the h1 element coloured red

This attribute will make the html element have the colour red.

The width attribute

You use the width attribute in images to set a specific width value for an image.



<img src="image.png" alt="text description of an image" width="300"/>

When you set the width of an image then it adjusts to it automatically.

The height attribute

height attribute is similar to the width attribute. You use it to set the value of the height of an image.



<img src="image.png" alt="text description of an image" height="150"/>

Note: It is better to use the width and height values when you know the right values to use. As the wrong values could distort the image.

Key points to note in naming attributes

  • Attributes are in attribute_name:value pair. The names of the attributes are attributes names while the details you add are values.
  • Always write your attributes and values in small letters.
  • You can add multiple attributes to an element.
  • Add spacing when using multiple attributes.