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Comments, hr And Linebreaks

In this section, you will learn some html tips that you could use to improve your content. They are comments, linebreaks and the hr element.


When writing code, you may wish to document a small piece of information or to take a note. You do that with comments. In Html, you can use comments. It is denoted with a tag and some dashes. <!----> Example,


<h1>This is a webpage</h1>
<!--Adding a comment-->
<span>This is a span element</span>

A screenshot of the text


A linebreak is used to denote a new line when writing code. Previously, you added some comments signifying linebreaks. Now, add a linebreak. Example,


<span>This is a webpage</span>
<!--Adding a linebreak-->
<span>This is not a comment</span>

A screenshot of the text on the browser

The hr element

The hr element serves as a self-closing tag to insert a horizontal rule or line between sections of content within a webpage. Example,


<h1>This is in a webpage</h1>
<h1>This is also in a webpage</h1>

A screenshot of the text on the browser

The hr element will separate both h1 elements using a horizontal line.