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Quoting Elements

Quoting elements are elements you could use to write quotes in Html. This includes short and long quotes.

The quoting elements are,

  • The blockquote element
  • The cite element
  • The quote element

The blockquote element

As the name implies, the blockquote element is a block element for quotes in Html. The element begins on a new line and covers the width of its viewport. The output of the blockquote is usually indented.

The blockquote is meant for long quotes.



Continuous Integration (CI) is a process where team members push changes they make to the software to a central repository.

When you run this in your browser, you will see the indentation. Some browsers will just give a small paragraph by the left.

blockquote with cite attribute

blockquote element requires an attribute to cite the source of your quotes. Most times, those links to the quotes may be outdated. So it's important to add the links to inspect the source often.

To add the cite attribute,



<blockquote cite="">
Continuous Integration (CI) is a process where team members push changes they make to the software to a central repository.

The cite element

When adding quotes, you use the cite element to add the source of your quotes. This is usually in plain text. In the previous example using blockquote element, you can use cite element to add the source of the quote in plain text.



<block quote cite="">
Continuous Integration (CI) is a process where team members push changes they make to the software to a central repository.
<cite>Continuous Integration, Delivery, and Deployment: Best Practises, Benefits, and Tools</cite>
</block quote>

Always use cite element for the title of quotes.

The q element

The q element contains short quotes. The q element is an inline element and does not cover it's entire container.

When you use the q element to write quotes and you run it in your browser. It surrounds the text in double quotes.



Continuous Integration (CI) is a process.

Like the blockquote, the q element accepts use of the cite attribute and cite element.

The q element with the cite attribute

Using the cite attribute, you can add the link of the quote to the element. Like you did previously in the blockquote element.



<q cite="">
Continuous Integration (CI) is a process.

The q element with the cite element

With the cite element you can add the title of the work you cited, just like in blockquote.



<q cite="">
Continuous Integration (CI) is a process.
<cite>Continuous Integration, Delivery, and Deployment: Best Practises, Benefits, and Tools</cite>

Note: the q element is for quotes from a written work. It is not meant for fun words or sarcastic words. You could use double quotes for that.