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Table Elements

The table element as the name implies is for tabular data. Tables have been useful in the development of web pages. Before the introduction of some css styling, developers used tables to style html. In this section, you will learn how to create tables in html.

The structure of the table

<th>Properties of HTML</th>
<td>It is a markup language</td>
<td>Html5 is the latest version</td>
<td>It is easy to learn</td>
<td>It is a markup language</td>
<td>Html5 is the latest version</td>
<td>It is easy to learn</td>
<td>It is a markup language</td>
<td>Html5 is the latest version</td>
<td>It is easy to learn</td>

An image of a table in html

  1. The table uses a general element called <table></table>. This is where you place all the tabular content.
  2. Inside the <table> element. It uses the <thead> element to distinguish the heading from the body of the table.
  3. Inside the <thead>, it uses the <tr> to specify the rows for the tables. The <th> carries the actual content for the heading of the table.
  4. For the body, the <tbody> element is used. Inside the <tbody>, you have the <tr> for the rows and <td> which contains the actual content for the body.

The colgroup and col properties

The colgroup element is a container for one or more col elements. The col element defines the properties of a single column.



<col width="200px">
<col width="100px">
<col width="*">
<td>Column 1</td>
<td>Column 2</td>
<td>Column 3</td>
<td>Column 1</td>
<td>Column 2</td>
<td>Column 3</td>
<td>Column 1</td>
<td>Column 2</td>
<td>Column 3</td>

An image of a table in html

In this example, the colgroup element has three col elements. The first col element specifies a width of 200 pixels, the second col element specifies a width of 100 pixels, and the third col element specifies a width of *, which means that it will take up the remaining width of the table.

The td elements in the tr element will inherit the widths of the columns in the colgroup element. This means that the first td element will be 200 pixels wide, the second td element will be 100 pixels wide, and the third td element will be the remaining width of the table.

The colspan and rowspan attributes

The properties are used to merge cells in a table. The colspan property determines the number of columns a cell should merge. The rowspan property determines the number of rows a cell should merge. It is placed in the <td> tag.



<td rowspan="2" colspan="2">This cell spans 2 rows and 2 columns</td>
<td>This is the second row</td>
<td>This is the second row</td>
<td>This is the second row</td>
<td>This is the second row</td>
<td>This is the second row</td>
<td>This is the second row</td>

An image of a table in html

This will cause the first <td> tag to span two rows and columns.

The <caption> property

You can add captions to tables using the caption property. To do that, add the caption element immediately after the <table> tag. It is usually centred by default.

Example, index.html

<caption>Properties of HTML</caption>
<td>It is a markup language</td>
<td>Html5 is the latest version</td>
<td>It is easy to learn</td>
<td>It is a markup language</td>
<td>Html5 is the latest version</td>
<td>It is easy to learn</td>
<td>It is a markup language</td>
<td>Html5 is the latest version</td>
<td>It is easy to learn</td>

This is the first example I used in this section. Now, the caption property is used as a title for the table.