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Html Elements

Html elements are nodes of an Html document. They form the content on a web page. In this section, you will learn html elements and their types.

What is an html element?

An html element is an html code that begins with an html tag and ends with an html tag. Html elements contain an opening, content and a closing tag.

When you use a heading tag h1 to create content, then it becomes an h1 element. All elements contain content always.

Example, index.html

<h1>Hello World</h1>

When you run this in the browser, it shows content.

Not all elements have a closing tag, some elements are self-closing.

Types of elements

Elements have types based on their uses and they are, -Inline elements -Block elements

Inline elements

Inline elements are elements that do not begin with a new line. They only occupy the width of the body of their content. span is an example of an in-line element. When you use span to add content on a web page, it only occupies the width of that text.



<span>This is a span element</span>

<span>Adding another span</span>

A screenshot of the span element

When you run it in the browser, you would notice that the second span element begins immediately after the first span.

Block elements

Block elements are the opposite of inline elements. They begin on a new line and they occupy the full width for the content. div and p are examples of block elements. To illustrate this,

-Open your index.html file. -Under the span elements you wrote earlier. Add this,


<span>This is a span element</span>

<span>Adding another span</span>

<div>This is a block element</div>
<div>This is another block element</div>

A screenshot of the span and block elements

Both div elements begin on a new line unlike the span elements because they are block elements.