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Background images in CSS

In the Html section, you covered media elements img, audio and video. These are Html elements.

CSS has a background-image property which you can use to insert images in the background of your web page. You will cover the background-image and its values in this section.

The background-image property

The background-image property has values which CSS uses to modify the images you add to the background of your webpage. The property has other relative properties which can enhance the look of an image and its positioning.

The background-image is a CSS property, hence you place it in your .css file.

This is the syntax of the background-image;


background-image {

The background-image property has these values which are:

  • The url value: You can add the image path to this value.
  • The none value: When you set the value to none, there will be no background image.
  • The inherit value: This value will make the property inherit the image from its parent element.
  • The initial value: This sets it back to its default value.
  • The linear-gradient value: This forms colours in a linear shape.
  • The radial-gradient value: Forms colours in a radial shape.
  • The conic-gradient value: Forms colours that are conic-shaped.



<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<title>A simple html page</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"/>
<header>A good illustration</header>
<main>This is a web page</main>


body {
background-image: url("../img/google_image.png");

A screenshot of background images on css

There are key points to note about this image,

  1. It is repeating itself.
  2. It is set at the top-left corner.

This is why CSS has other properties which you can use to reset your background-image and position it to your taste.

These properties are:

  1. The background-size property.
  2. The background-position property.
  3. The background-attachment property.
  4. The background-repeat property.